NES Controllers
DCV Controls Evolution
Enabling Smarter Buildings
Controls 5.0
- NES Command Control System – controls and/or monitors previously siloed devices/systems
- Customizable controls integration. Plug & play design providing maximum energy savings.
Controls 4.0
- NES Digital DCV System – Ramps motor speeds in proportion to CO concentrations
- Reduces kWh and peak kWconsumption by up to and greater than 97%
Controls 3.0
- Based on CO levels, VFDs command motors to ramp from 50% speed to 100% speed
- Leaves lots of energy savings $$$ on the table
Early 1990's
Controls 2.0
- Motors off until “tripped on” by high CO concentrations
- Effective… But for all the wrong reasons
Pre 1990's
Controls 1.0
- Motors run at full speed (60HZ)
- Loud & Expensive
Ready for Controls 5.0?
From prebuilt solutions to fully custom solutions, Nagle Energy Systems has you covered.